Sunday, November 23, 2008

I was trying to begin the business of the fungus cultivation

I was trying to begin the business of the fungus cultivation. On last Saturday already survey to cisarua-Bandung west. There had around the 500 's the fungus farmer. Most they the white cultivation of the oysters fungus, because of the cold climate cisarua (21-26 C) was suitable for the growth of the oysters fungus. I could enter looked around the process of the cultivation of the fungus of bang oysters of A-Z. Ada of a kind businessman and not arrogant (like the scout's child) that permitted me to go round in the place of his efforts. Auricularia auricula There was approximately 5 more kumbung (the fungus house) that contained each one more than 5000 baglog. Continued to have the house that especially for the place of the sterilisation of the media used the vapour machine. Then, this businessman told details the white business of the cultivation of the oysters fungus that was involved in by him since 1996. He including the success businessman according to me, because in his complex of the fungus cultivation had the house, the warehouse, the office, the car, etc.. His employee once mencapapai in the 60 's the person, despite currently shrank less than half of it. However, according to him the market request for the fungus product still

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