Sunday, November 23, 2008

The Community's office of Agrobisnis Jamur Indonesia (MAJI)

Hip hip hura, on last Saturday I dateng to the Community's office of Agrobisnis Jamur Indonesia (MAJI) in the road. The Sultan was Agung, behind the monument statue of PDAM. Di Sana met directly the chairman MAJI, PAk Kudrat. He was very happy and told world details of the business per-fungus-an. I was given link to the Subang agricultural service yg could help the training of the fungus cultivation of the beginning merang. Moreover was link also to researchers ITB that for a long time had been active in the world per-fungus-an. The matter of the business prospect was very promising. The market request would the fungus (merang) still was high. Moreover the farmer often was overwhelmed complied with the market request. The price of the fungus merang in the market 12 thousands, whereas in the level of the collector 10 thousands. Moreover, Mr Kudrat was ready to buy the Fungus merang that will be cultivated by me.

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